Emotional Resiliency
For Changemakers
Thursday 11th March 18:30 UK / 13:30 EST / 12:30 CST
The path for changemakers who follow their purpose, passion, and potential is often an emotional rollercoaster. This journey calls you to grow and develop quickly, face your fears, and release limiting stories that block creativity and lead to anxiety and procrastination.
Come join an interactive online experience with fellow evolving leaders and entrepreneurs to tone your resiliency muscles, so that you can welcome self-acceptance, release resistance and live your greatest and most authentic story. Limited to 30 places on Zoom.
Meet your coaches Owen & Holly
Leading you through the process of emotional resiliency via Zoom.
Do you feel fear, anxiety, and confusion at the uncertainty in the world?
Are you feeling untethered and worried, with no end in sight?
Do you get angry or impatient, and feel cooped up with nowhere to go?
Do you want to be a more grounded person, boss, leader, parent, colleague?
Do you secretly believe that emotions get in the way of showing the world that you “have it all together?”
You may not know what to do with your emotions, other than holding them in and hoping that they’ll go away. Meanwhile, your stress level increases and your well-being and productivity can take a dive.
What can you do to become more resilient?
The answer: Community, Connection, and Compassion. A Resiliency Circle.
Self-compassion and connection go a long way toward thriving in a difficult world. And being in community as a place to pause and fill up the well, is where we can turn. We are better together. This is not a time to hide our vulnerability.
In this Resiliency Circle, you will tone the muscles of:
Self-care and self-compassion, without guilt
Slowing down and getting present, to connect with yourself and others
Returning to “center” and cultivating hope when your emotions are running high