Cycles - Monday 22nd June
Nicola Humber.
As well as being the author of Heal Your Inner Good Girl & UNBOUND, and the founder of The Unbound Press, I'm a transformational mentor for women like you.
After spending the first 30+ years of my life playing the archetypal good girl, in 2009 I made the completely intuitive (and many said crazy!) decision to leave my comfortable, 'proper' job in finance and retrain as a coach and hypnotherapist.
That first leap of faith started me on the journey to where I am now, which is not at all where I planned to be!
Hear about my ‘work experience’ journey and the lesson I’ll be sharing in the videos on this page.
Your cyclical nature
My lesson aims to help you align with your cyclical nature and the season of life you find yourself in now. It will show you how to create consistency without over riding your natural ebbs and flows. It will teach you about the myth of ‘lazy’ and how to make plans and goals in a way that they really feel good for you. I’m excited to dive deep with you and help you to honour your self.
If you're feeling the call to be unbound and live a fully expressed life I’m also offering a one hour personal coaching session when you upgrade your experience to the ‘Fire Package’. I can help you to move more deeply into your true self and feel free to follow the breadcrumbs of inspiration which will guide you along your soul path.