How To Access Your Inner Sage And Power Up Your Internal Dialogue
Your inner sage is wise.
But how do you engage your wise, inner self – your nurturing self?
Having the skills to do that is so important.
Being able to power up your internal dialogue to get yourself out of a powerless state and into a more empowered one is key.
I do a lot of work with neuro-linguistic programming techniques, where I encourage people to focus on their desired outcomes.
Because so often, we know what we don't want.
And that's brilliant.
But if you want to change, you need to focus on what you do want.
If you had a magic wand, and could wish or create whatever it is you're longing for in your life, what would that be?
That’s not an easy question to answer.
Sometimes, you don't have the data in your brain to know what that want is.
That’s totally okay.
Not knowing means you’re ready to do things differently, and open to learning how to make it happen.
It takes action and experience to be clear on:
what you want
what you’re great at
what you like and enjoy
what brings meaning to your life
what will make you successful and productive
That’s where having someone like myself – a coach – can be super helpful in working things out.
There are so many benefits to having a coach, from becoming more self-reliant to communicating more effectively.
We all have the power to influence the way we create products and the way we consume things, too.
A big part of my mission is aligning people to their being and who they truly are.
The more that happens, the more likely we are to create real solutions in society that solve some of the big problems we have.
So often, we don't think we have that power.
Knowing if you're the hero or heroine of your story as opposed to being stuck in a victim story is so useful to harnessing that power.
I can help you on your journey.
I’ll support you as you navigate unknown paths.
You’re not alone.
I can help you identify your needs and decide where to find support.
My seven-step system helps you consciously create what you want, find clarity, and empower yourself to make it happen.
I don’t try to close sales.
I want to open you up to the support you need and see if my services are the best fit for you.
If that’s me, great.
If it’s not, that’s fine too.
Let’s start talking and find out.